"When I write stories I am like someone who is in her own country, walking along streets that she has known since she was a child, between walls and trees that are hers." --Natalia Ginsburg

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Joy---My Cup Runneth Over

Almost Apple Blossom time again---this is my most Joyful memory--and this is what fills my heart and mind from my childhood.....

apple blossoms Pictures, Images and Photos

If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.
--C.S Lewis

My Cup Runneth Over
When I was a child I can remember my mother getting us ready for bed and telling us it was time to climb the wooden hill. Mom tucked us in and as soon as I heard her feet going down the wooden hill, I would slip out of bed and go and kneel at the low bedroom window that looked out over our small farm. The wood-house stood to the left. The lawn and field beyond the fence were thick with new grass and dotted with flowers. I could hear the frogs in the nearby pond singing their night song, and the soft trilling of the birds. There was an apple tree that stood outside the window and when it was in bloom it was frothy with pink blossoms. The evening breeze would whisper through it and carry its’ fragrance to where my head rested on my arms. I would have this overwhelming fullness—from the tips of my toes--right up to my heart--then on to the top of my head--an aching sweetness that stung my eyes and gave me a pang of longing, because no matter how long I looked, listened or smelled--I could never get enough of that moment.

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